Saturday, September 19, 2009

Email letter sent out to friends and family

Here's a copy of the email I just sent out in case you didn't get it via email:

Dear Friends and Family,
Hello! We pray that this letter finds you in a place in your lives where you are very much aware and living in the fact that you are loved by our wonderful God.

The last time you may have heard from us was in the midst of one of the worst, and most sorrowful situations of our lives. These last nine months have been heart wrenching as we had to say goodbye to our baby daughter Malaya before we even had a chance to say hello. We have faced these last few months realizing that the rest of our time on this earth will be lived without her.

Our hearts have broken and so many times the air around us has been filled with weeping. Oh, but this has not caused us to lose our hope in God. We’ve been witnesses of His great faithfulness. It is true what the Psalmist penned. This year we have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and yet…have felt no evil. And it is really because God has been with us. He continues to be near us and hold us close as we miss our daughter. We’re comforted knowing that every day is one day closer to being with her in Heaven.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and love. Your prayers, emails, cards, gifts, and presence have shown your compassion and we will remember that always.

We are very much aware that your prayers and partnership will also help get us through this next season of our lives. We are writing you because we believe that God is redeeming something that we felt like we lost in January. We will finally be flying across the world to go on the vision trip that we were supposed to take earlier this year. We will be in a restricted access country from September 29 to October 8 of this year. (That’s just a little over a week away!)

The last time we were going to leave we were going to join someone who had lived there for over a decade. This time, however, we will be going on our own. (Don’t worry, we DO have contacts within the country who will be helping us.) We are planning on discussing possibilities in the area that may help boost the local economy with some local government officials. We are wanting to let God do His thing and open doors if He so chooses.

As the days get closer we are more and more excited to be able to see what God is already doing and finding out how He might have us join Him there. After having not gone on our initial trip this past January, God has restored this vision with a renewed passion for His glory and love to be spread among these people. Again, we are seeing that God doesn’t show us the whole path of our future, but is showing us just the next step in our journey.

Oh, friends. This is a difficult, complicated world we all live in. We are messy, imperfect people who are in need of such grace for our souls. We, as a couple, are convinced that God is truth and He is worthy of our worship. His love for us is so great. So amazing…

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